ArmInfo. The Government of Armenia, represented by the Ministry of Environment, proposes to establish a six-month ban on the export of whitefish roe, which is a salmon species, from the territory of the Republic of Armenia. The issue is included in the agenda of the Cabinet meeting on December 27.
As stated in the explanation to the document, the need to adopt the resolution stems from the requirements of food security of the Republic of Armenia, sustainable use of the biological resources of Lake Sevan. and the preservation of biodiversity.
However, the trend of increasing whitefish biomass in recent years still does not ensure normal growth and optimal numbers of wild fish species in the lake (according to some scientific data, the total stock is up to 10,000 tons, industrial catch is about 2,000 tons and more). Based on the above, it can be stated that the Republic of Armenia still does not have such a wild fish species, the caviar of which would be of industrial importance, since it is still necessary to constantly increase the volumes of fish species.
Taking into account the great negative anthropogenic impact on the lake in recent decades and the formed consumer attitude towards bioresources, in order to prevent possible negative consequences, based on the need to organize the protection and normal reproduction of wild fish of high industrial value, this legal act provides for the introduction of a ban on the export of whitefish caviar from the territory of the Republic of Armenia>, - the document says.
This decision shall enter into force on January 2, 2025 and shall be valid for six months.